Course Number: EDUC 370,  10 units   (Fall Terms 1 & 2 and Spring Terms 1 & 2)                      Component Hours: 700 classroom student teaching hours (540 Direct contact with children), 100+ hours additional learning in material making/assignments

Instructor: Nelson/Lorenz


The function of the Practicum fall and spring terms 1 and 2 are to provide the student teacher (adult learner) with the opportunity for personal and practical experiences in a teaching / learning experience as an Early Childhood Montessori teacher with children ages 2½ through 6 year old. 

It also provides a period of observation, student normalization, and further study, to bring together the theory and practice of Montessori education. This course is intended to allow the adult learner as a student teacher time to experience instruction in the form of cosmic lessons, develop new curriculum materials, as well as manage the daily routines of an early childhood classroom.  

The environment must be prepared with materials and modes of activities that respond to the developmental and varied needs and interests of the Early Childhood adult learner.  It is the student teacher’s responsibility to procure an Early Childhood Practicum/student teaching placement in an approved Montessori school, which agrees to cooperate with the Montessori Teacher College Sacramento in all matters relating to the practicum site.


  1. Care of the Person

  2. Care of the Environment

  3. Small Muscle Development

  4. Gross Muscle Development

  5. Social Grace and Courtesy

  6. Control of Movement 

  7. Food Preparation and Nutrition 


  1. The adult learner will have the opportunity for gradual personal and practical competence as a Montessori Early Childhood teacher.

  2. The adult learner will be able to have the opportunity to foster self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and supervising evaluation in preparation for joining a Montessori school staff.

  3. The adult learner will understand how to create a well prepared Montessori early childhood setting in which to begin to apply the Montessori philosophy into the classroom opportunities to help in the organization of the prepared environment.

  4. The adult learner will be able to put the theories learned into practice.

  5. The adult learner will have time to prepare and present lessons in a Montessori classroom. 

  6. The adult learner will have the opportunity to learn and manage the daily routines of a Montessori classroom. 

  7. The adult learner will practice accurate record keeping strategy;

  8. The adult learner will have the opportunity to develop communication skills with other teachers, children, parents, and the administration.

  9. The adult learner will have the opportunity to learn how to operate as part of a team with the administration and staff of the school.

  10. The adult learner will have the opportunity to participate in organizing schedules, supplies, equipment maintenance, and budget planning for the classroom.

  11. The adult learner will enable classroom management skills to be evolved.

  12. The adult learner will have the opportunity to experience the joy of becoming a Montessori teacher.

  13. The adult learner will understand the importance of respect of the individual person in the Montessori classroom as a basis for the development of Peace Education.


  1. Knowledge

    1. 1b: Human Growth and Development

    2. 1d: Community resources for learning

  2. Pedagogy

    1. 2a: Correct use of Montessori materials 

    2. 2b: Scope and sequence of curriculum(spiral curriculum )

    3. 2c: The prepared environment

    4. 2d: Parent / Teacher / Family / Community / Partnership

    5. 2e: The purpose and methods of observation

    6. 2f: Planning for Instruction

    7. 2g: Assessment and Documentation

    8. 2h: Reflective Practice

    9. 2j: Culturally responsive methods

  3. Teaching With Grace and Courtesy

    1. 3a: Classroom leadership

    2. 3b: Authentic Assessment

    3. 3c: The Montessori philosophy and methods ( materials )`

    4. 3d: Parent / Teacher / Family Partnership

    5. 3e: Professional Responsibilities

    6. 3f: Innovation and Flexibility


Upon completion of the course component, the adult learner will:

  1. The adult learner will demonstrate personal and practical competence as a Montessori early childhood educator.

  2. The adult learner will develop and maintain an appropriate environment for fostering lifelong learning and growth.

  3. The adult learner will move from theoretical ideals to the practical implementation of the Montessori philosophy for the young child.

  4. The adult learner will become aware of and selective toward respectful, equitable, and useful inclusion and practices in the classroom and across the curriculum.

  5. The adult learner will learn the importance of observation; and be able to utilize observation techniques effectively.

  6. The adult learner will demonstrate appropriate communication skills with other teachers, the children, parents, and administration.


Course Number: EDUC 314,  3 units                                                                                             Component Hours: 54 contact hours                                  

Instructor: Nelson/Lorenz


This section consists of a series of lessons dealing with the development patterns of young children. This course is an examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community and emphasizing historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. Influences on growth and development including media, social class, gender, sexual orientation, racial/ethnic groups, and their relationship to family behavior will be studied. Students will identify and evaluate personal family dynamics and consequences.This section also looks at the interactions among children, family, school, peers, media, and community, with an emphasis on ethnic diversity, social class, gender roles, and their impact on behavior, values, morals, and attitudes.


  1. The importance of the relationship between home and school for children 

  2. The need for the educator to recognize family behavior and dynamics.

  3. The interaction types necessary while working with young children regarding diversity, values and attitudes.


  1. The student learners will analyze theories of socialization that address the interrelationship of child, family, and community.

  2. The student learners will critically assess how educational, political, and socioeconomic factors directly impact the lives of children and families.

  3. The student learners will synthesize and analyze research regarding social issues, changes, and transitions that affect children, families, schools, and communities.


  1. Knowledge

    1. 1a: Montessori Philosophy

    2. 1b: Human Growth and Development

    3. 1c: Subject matter for the Early Childhood level 

  2. Pedagogy

    1. 2b: Scope and sequence of curriculum ( spiral curriculum )

    2. 2h: Reflective Practice

  3. Teaching With Grace and Courtesy

    1. 3d: Parent / Teacher / Family Partnership

    2. 3e: Professional Responsibility

    3. 3f: Innovation and Flexibility


  1. The adult learners will critique strategies that support and empower families through respectful, reciprocal relationships to involve all families in their children's development and learning.

  2. The adult learners will analyze their own values, goals, and sense of self as related to family history and life experiences, assessing how this impacts relationships with children and families.

  3. The adult learners will recognize and compare the influence of diverse populations on the socialization of children.

  4. The adult learners will review public policy as it relates to the well-being of children and families.

  5. The adult learner will identify the impact of ethnicity, social class, family values and gender roles.

  6. The adult learner will interpret child development, educational concepts, and cultural biases to other staff, parents, and community.


HyFlex teaching - Montessori Teacher College Sacramento offers a HyFlex course design model that presents the components of hybrid learning in a flexible course structure that offers students varied options such as, attending sessions in the classroom, participating online, and/or doing both. Throughout the early childhood training program, students will be informed based on the course syllabus as changes will occur regarding mode of attendance weekly or by topic, according to need and/or program preference.

The delivery of course format may include:

  1. Lecture

  2. Group discussion

  3. Distance Learning

  4. Documented direct observation of children and instructional personnel in classroom settings

  5. Selected readings

  6. Written reports, essays, professional development projects, and assessments.

Attendance, punctuality, mindful preparation, and enthusiastic participation by the student learner are assumed and expected.

The value of this information sets the stage for the student to gain access and participate in an environment that is enriched with the promise to share prior knowledge in a way that links with the current trends and issues facing our careers and work lives. In order to create success in learning, the following principles are guides to professional conduct that seeks to promote eventual changes in how the adult learners participate in their own education (Montessori, 1967).

Instructional Methods, Pedagogies and in class activities that are dedicated to strengthen Student Success


Develop a Google Drive Shared Portfolio

For each course, the student is required to construct, develop, and organize a Google Drive e-Portfolio with tabbed subfolders for each course module and/or assignment for the purpose of collecting all presentations, hand outs, along with retaining information sections and chapter resources.

All assignments shall be authored in the google suite and turned into either Canvas or Google Classroom.

Training for these requirements are offered during the adult learner orientation.


Based on the cycle of the content, what you read, the lecture overview, the small group discussions, large group share, the student learner navigates to these sections comprehensively and post a minimum of one response in the discussion board based on content and relevance to career path for the appropriate section.

The discussion boards are to reinforce knowledge from a theoretical perspective and transform the concepts from theory to practice. For all courses, when a discussion board response is required, the student learner's responsibility is to read and post in the Discussion (author in the google suite portfolio first, then paste the response) and respond to a minimum of 2 peers' posts. 


Professional learning communities in the form of groups will be designed around student learner interests related to Montessori education. Once the PLC’s are formed, using an interest based and design model setl, the area of study will promote through a mission statement a developmental approach that complements the Montessori philosophy and promotes peace education in the form of a capstone professional development presentation that is peer/parent based. 

Through group discussion and individualized perspective building over the fall the spring semesters, and through a braiding across the course work, student learners will design, build, organize, deliver, and implement this comprehensive approach to individualizing child/student development that promotes lifelong learning and centers itself around education as life itself. The PLC group(s) will discuss topics based on curriculum, instruction, observations, and community influences. These topics through transformational leadership will evolve into a classroom plan from theory to practice that describes a typical growth and development based on the studies complement to Montessori education. 


  1. Zero Textbook Cost- Child, Family, Community, Laff and Ruiz

  2. Promoting Online Learners’ Social-Emotional Growth: A Montessori Perspective March 2, 2020 Catherine R. Barber, PhD

  3. Course Component Handouts


The following guide provides the adult learner with what is required weekly across the courses and terms. Each assignment is expected in the individual’s digital portfolio.



Readings & Multimedia




Examination of the impact of socializing agents on the development of the child with reference to Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory

Textbook Reading                   


Watch Video:

1. Portfolio Introduction: Practical Life

5 Paragraph Essay & Writing Resource Rubrics

2. Terms List; create a list of Montessori terms that you encounter in your readings during this course, including definition /explanation

3.(CFC1) Question: Question: Based on educational, political, and socioeconomic factors that directly impact the lives of children and families, assess how Montessori can contribute to more healthy child development and why it's important to engage the parent community?Read and post in Discussion and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

4.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project


Development of values, attitudes, motives, attributions, self-esteem, prosocial behaviors, antisocial behaviors, morals and genders roles

Textbook Reading                  


Watch Video -             

1.(CFC2)Question: Create a chart and break down at least three research articles (see Google Scholar) that synthesizes and analyzes research regarding social issues, changes, and transitions that affect children, families, schools, and communities as they relate to the Montesori philosophy in these categories:

Research Synthesis and Analysis

Social Issues

Social Changes

Childhood transitions

Montessori philosophy

Respect for the child

Freedom of choice

Follow the child

Your choice

Your choice

Read and post in Discussion and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work 

Week 3

Stress factors that impact the individual child and parents within the community: poverty, youth violence, and substance abuse; adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and effects on socialization; 

Family as a socializing agent: family structures and functions; historical trends in parenting; parenting styles; child maltreatment

Textbook Reading                   


 Read the selected passages/articles/videos 

Watch Video -       

1.(CFC3) Question: Please reflect on how to create reciprocal relationships to promote holistic learning?                                                                                     Read and post in Discussion and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work 

Week 4

The relationship of goals and values to child rearing practices, recognizing and responding respectfully to cultural differences in family values and expectations for children, helping children to value cultural diversity

Textbook Reading                   


Watch Video -                

1.(CFC4) Question: Please list 2-3 of your own values, goals, and sense of self perspectives that you believe will positively impact your learning environment for the benefit of the children?                                                       Read and post in Discussion and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 5

Schools as socializing agents: parent and teacher partnerships with schools; the role of schools in meeting the needs of diverse children; school choices; the teacher's role in the school; teacher interactions with diverse students; teaching philosophies

Textbook Reading                   


Watch video -                 

1.(CFC5)Question: Based on a thorough understanding of Montessori, compare holistic learning as you balance what works across the curriculum in the early education learning environment with how culture and diversity of the children impact the learning environment? Read and post in Discussion and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 6

The peer group as an agent of socialization: peer statuses, bullying, gender differences in peer groups, types of play; adult-led peer activities and interactions

Textbook Reading                   



1.(CFC6)Question:Please analyze the principles of the MACTE competencies for this course and capture one element that you incorporate for each competency that will promote positive child development?  Read and post in Discussion and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 7

Media as a socializing agent: The impact of the mass media in socializing children; commercial advertising; exposure to violence on TV and in movies; public policy regulating children's TV programming; media influence in socialization outcomes; guidelines for teachers and parents in monitoring the influence of mass media on children

Textbook Reading                    


Watch Video -                   


1.(CFC7) Question: Evaluate the importance of each of the above roles in the learning environment. How does Montessori individualize learning based on diversity? Read and post in Discussion and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 8

Final assessments

PD Project Presentation and SLO Assessments


Present Final Professional Development Cultural Project

Peer and Instructor Professional Project Assessment:                                                                  Assessment and Evaluation,

Creation and Presentation of a digital portfolio


COURSE EVALUATION:                                   






  • Computer: A minimum, students must have regular access to a computer with Internet connection (preferably broadband) and a web browser. Students are expected to be knowledgeable in basic computer skills. Personal competence in word processing and using email programs is required.

  • Hardware Users: Pentium II 300 or equivalent with 96 MB memory, CD ROM, Monitor, Sound Card and Printer. Operating System: Windows XP or higher Mac Users, please note: Coursework should be accessible via Mac software. 

  • Internet Connection Subscription to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is required (broadband access is highly recommended). Broadband access can be cable modem, digital subscriber line (DSL), T1 Connection, or LAN connection or its equivalent. Students are responsible for clearing any firewall and/or security issues if access to the SU Portal is attempted through a workplace network.

  • Web Browser Make sure you have the best online experience by upgrading your browser to the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, and/or Firefox. It is preferable to use Google Chrome in partnership with building the google drive e-portfolio. 


  • For technical support of Canvas, contact the program administrative office at 916-685-6874 or email at

  • For Google Suite or Classroom support, contact the program administrative office at 916-685-6874 or email at 





A (90-100%)

B (80-89%)

C (70-79%)

D (60-69%)

F (59%-0)

Attendance/Class Participation - Participation - ( 5 points per 8 weeks )


Discussion Boards - ( 10 points per 8 weeks )


Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration work and Research Professional Development Project


Collaboration work - ( 10 points per 8 weeks )

Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration work and Research Professional Development Project


Digital Portfolio -

Creation: Assembly / Sequence / Creativity / Beauty -  ( 20 points )  

Introduction:  Content / Writing Structure - ( 20 points )

Write Ups: Sequence / Additional Creations - ( 20 points )

Practice Log -  

  • 3 lesson videos - ( 30 points total )

  • 6 photos, of  3 different  lessons -  ( 30 points )

  • Photo collage showing material extensions - ( 10 points )

Portfolio Presentation -  ( 20 points )


Course Assessment - 

Assessment Material Presentations - ( 50 points )


Course Assessment - 

Final Course Assessment Professional Development Project - ( 50 points )


Course Total



Child, Family & Community: EDUC 314 

 Theories of Child Development and concepts of the Child, Family & Community

Scope and Sequence


Required Text:

Theories of Development (5th Edition) by William Crain, Pearson, Prentice Hall.

The following concepts and topics will be presented during Child Development - ECE 315

Course Content:

  1. Early Theories: Preformationism, Locke, and Rousseau. 

  2. Gesell's Maturational Theory. 

  3. Ethological Theories: Darwin, Lorenz, Tinbergen, and Bowlby and Ainsworth.

  4. Montessori's Educational Philosophy. 

  5. Werner's Organismic and Comparative Theory. 

  6. Piaget's Cognitive-Developmental Theory. 

  7. Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development. 

  8. Learning Theory: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner. 

  9. Bandura's Social Learning Theory. 

  10. Vygotsky's Social-Historical Theory of Cognitive Development. 

  11. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory. 

  12. Erikson and the Eight Stages of Life. 

  13.  Mahler's Separation/Individuation Theory. 

  14. A Case Study in Psychoanalytic Treatment: Bettelheim on Autism. 

  15. Schachtel on Childhood Experiences. 

  16. Jung's Theory of Adulthood. 

  17. Chomsky's Theory of Language Development. 

  18. Conclusion: Humanistic Psychology and Developmental Theory. 

  19. Epilogue: A Developmental Perspective on the Standards Movement. 

Child, Family & Community: EDUC 314 - CONTENT


This section consists of a series of lessons dealing with the developmental patterns of young children.  The major emphasis is on the intellectual and emotional development of children during the first six years of life.


1. The student will learn of other theories of child development and see how they 

compare with Montessori's philosophy.

2. The student will gain a better understanding of children.

3. The student will learn of the many factors that contribute to a child's development.

4. The student will learn about the factors that contribute to a child's learning ability.

5. The student will find out how a child's intelligence develops.

6. The student will learn about Freud, Piaget and other child development specialists.

7. The student will demonstrate ability to assess children's developmental needs through a 

variety of vehicles, i.e. observation, case studies, tests, development scales, classroom products.

8. Provide a suitable match between assessment and developmental activities.

9. The student will demonstrate knowledge of varied learning styles

Reading Assignments:

Use the textbook selected for the section to write these five papers.

Students may also use their local library to research the questions given under each lesson in Section 2.  The reference source must be included, giving Title, Author, Publisher and Date of Publication, and page numbers.


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the course instructor evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the course instructor evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the MACTE competencies evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the Course Student Learning Outcomes evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )


Course Number: EDUC 320, 3 units          

Component Hours: 35 contact hours, 20+ hours Independent Study and Practice                                  

Instructor: Nelson


The sensorial area consists of materials that educate and refine the child's senses.  The child learns to recognize similarities and differences; to discriminate between similar objects; to grade similar objects. This is important for later mastery of tasks involving math and language.

The primary purpose of the Sensorial exercises is not that their correct usage be mastered, but rather that "the child trains himself to observe; that he be led to make comparisons between objects, to form judgments, to reason and to decide."  (Dr. Maria Montessori - Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook)

Qualities discriminated with the visual sense are size, shape, and color; with the tactile sense, texture, temperature, and pressure; with the auditory sense, intensity and pitch.  Basic taste sensations of sweet, sour, bitter, and salty are discriminated with the gustatory sense; various odors-fragrances are used to discriminate the olfactory sense.  Montessori included the stereognostic sense with which the child discriminates using non-visual tactile-muscular ability.


  1. Tactile Sense

  2. Visual Sense

  3. Stereognostic Sense

  4. Baric Sense

  5. Auditory Sense

  6. Olfactory Sense

  7. Gustatory Sense 


  1. The adult learner will understand the concepts and sequence of the Montessori materials in the Sensorial area.

  2. The student learner will develop the ability to present the Sensorial materials.

  3. The student learner will develop the ability to create original and appropriate Sensorial exercises and extensions.

  4. The student learner will understand the direct and indirect purpose of the Sensorial materials.

  5. The student learner will understand the importance of the Sensorial materials in developing thinking skills, observation of patterns and making comparisons that will later support Math, Geometry, and Language understanding.


  1. Knowledge

    1. 1a: Montessori Philosophy

    2. 1c:  Subject matter for the course level of Sensorial

  2. Pedagogy

    1. 2a: Correct use of Montessori materials 

    2. 2b: Scope and sequence of curriculum(spiral curriculum )

    3. 2c: The prepared environment

    4. 2f: Planning for Instruction

    5. 2g: Assessment and Documentation

    6. 2h: Reflective Practice

  3. Teaching With Grace and Courtesy

    1. 3b: Authentic Assessment

    2. 3c: The Montessori philosophy and methods ( materials )`

    3. 3f: Innovation and Flexibility


  1. The adult learner will demonstrate understanding of the continuity of learning experiences for the young child through the development of sequentially prepared exercises.

  2. The adult learner will gain knowledge of a broad repertoire of teaching strategies using manipulative materials and demonstration.

  3. The adult learner will understand the development of observation skills, pattern recognition, thinking skills, and problem solving skills. 

  4. The adult learner will become proficient in creating activities and extensions in the Sensorial area, and complete a personal teaching manual for the Sensorial exercises tailored to individual needs and classroom dynamics.       


HyFlex teaching - Montessori Teacher College Sacramento offers a HyFlex course design model that presents the components of hybrid learning in a flexible course structure that offers students varied options such as, attending sessions in the classroom, participating online, and/or doing both. Throughout the early childhood training program, students will be informed based on the course syllabus as changes will occur regarding mode of attendance weekly or by topic, according to need and/or program preference.

The delivery of course format may include:

  1. Lecture

  2. Group discussion

  3. Distance Learning

  4. Documented direct observation of children and instructional personnel in classroom settings

  5. Selected readings

  6. Written reports, essays, professional development projects, and assessments.

Attendance, punctuality, mindful preparation, and enthusiastic participation by the student learner are assumed and expected.

The value of this information sets the stage for the student to gain access and participate in an environment that is enriched with the promise to share prior knowledge in a way that links with the current trends and issues facing our careers and work lives. In order to create success in learning, the following principles are guides to professional conduct that seeks to promote eventual changes in how the adult learners participate in their own education (Montessori, 1967).

Instructional Methods, Pedagogies and in class activities that are dedicated to strengthen Student Success

DIGITAL PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS: Develop a Google Drive Shared Portfolio

For each course, the student is required to construct, develop, and organize a Google Drive e-Portfolio folder with tabbed folders for each course module and/or assignment for the purpose of collecting all presentations, hand outs, along with retaining information sections and chapter resources.

All assignments shall be authored in the google suite and turned into either Canvas or Google Classroom.

Training for these requirements are offered during the student learner orientation.


Based on the cycle of the content, what you read, the lecture overview, the small group discussions, large group share, the student learner navigates to these sections comprehensively and post a minimum of one response in the discussion board based on content and relevance to career path for the appropriate section.

The discussion boards are to reinforce knowledge from a theoretical perspective and transform the concepts from theory to practice. For all courses, when a discussion board response is required, the student learner's responsibility is to read and post in the Discussion (author in the google suite portfolio first, then paste the response) and respond to a minimum of 2 peers' posts. 


Professional learning communities in the form of groups will be designed around student learner interests related to Montessori education. Once the PLC’s are formed, using an interest based and design model setl, the area of study will promote through a mission statement a developmental approach that complements the Montessori philosophy and promotes peace education in the form of a capstone professional development presentation that is peer/parent based. 

Through group discussion and individualized perspective building over the fall the spring semesters, and through a braiding across the course work, student learners will design, build, organize, deliver, and implement this comprehensive approach to individualizing child/student development that promotes lifelong learning and centers itself around education as life itself. The PLC group(s) will discuss topics based on curriculum, instruction, observations, and community influences. These topics through transformational leadership will evolve into a classroom plan from theory to practice that describes a typical growth and development based on the studies complement to Montessori education. 


  1. Montessori, Maria, The Montessori Method, New York:  Schocken Books, 1964

  2. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, New York:  Ballantine Books, 1990

  3. Standing, E.M., Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, New York:  New American Library, Penguin Books, 1984

  4. Course Component Handouts


The following guide provides the adult learner with what is required weekly across the courses and terms. Each assignment is expected in the individual’s digital portfolio.



Readings and Multimedia


Week 1

History / Necessity / Importance of…

Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work,                                            Part Two: (IX) The Sensorial Foundations of Intellectual Life

1. Portfolio Introduction: Sensorial

5 Paragraph Essay & Writing Resource Rubrics

2. Terms List; create a list of Montessori terms that you encounter in your readings during this course, including definition /explanation.

Terms from Sensorial to include in your introduction:

                   Tactile Sense                                7 Triangles of Reality

                            Visual Sense                                Primary Color

                   Stereognostic Sense                   Complimentary Color

          Baric Sense                                 Secondary Color

                            Auditory Sense                            Hue

                   Gustatory Sense                         Monochromatic Color                                    Olfactory Sense                              Color Value

In addition to other terms that you discover through readings and lecture

3. (SEN1 ) Question: Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading and class lecture of what benefits do children derive from the Sensorial exercises; directly and indirectly ?                                     Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

4. PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 2

Visual Sense

Maria Montessori: The Discovery of the Child,                          

Chapter 8: Visual and Auditory Distinctions                             Chapter 9: Generalizations on the Training of the Senses

1. (SEN2 ) Question: Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading and class lecture that show a clear understanding of Montessori’s philosophy of the importance put on the training of the senses.                                                                                       Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.Create 1 Sensorial material that isolates the Visual Sense, along with the Write-Up to share.

3.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 3

Tactile Sense

The Montessori Method,                                                    Part 14: ‘Education of the Senses’                                                                           Part 15: ’General Sensibility: the Tactile, Thermic, Basic and Stereognostic Senses’   Part 16: General Notes on the Education of the Sense

1. (SEN3 ) Question: Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading and share how these connect with the student learning outcomes and share why you chose the topics.                                                                                Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2. Create 1 Sensorial material that isolates the Tactile Sense, along with the Write-Up to share.

3.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 4

Auditory Sense

Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius 

Index: Research: Sound; montessori materials and… Read the pages under the section listed.

Maria Montessori: The Discovery of the Child,         

Chapter 8: Visual and Auditory Distinctions; Silence

Course Handout: 

Montessori’s Quiet Classroom

1. (SEN4A ) Question: Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading and class lecture to share your ideas around the theory of Effort and Muscle Memory.                                                                  Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2.(SEN4B ) Question: Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading and class lecture to share your thoughts of the volume in a Montessori classroom as it relates to children and work.                 Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

3. Create 1 Sensorial material that isolates the Auditory Sense, along with the Write-Up to share.

4.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 5

Olfactory Sense          Gustatory Sense Stereognostic Sense

Montessori - The Science Behind the Genius,                                           

Chapter 4: Interest in Human Learning

1. (SEN5A ) Question: Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading to analyse what is your understanding of Montessori’s term of sensitive periods and why observation is key for the children ??                                                                                                                                                 Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2. (SEN5B ) Question:  Freedom within limits-  Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading: ‘Common Concerns with Letting Interest Drive Learning’ - What is a concern that you discovered in this reading and how will you, as the teacher, prohibit the concern from becoming an issue ?                                                                                                         Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

3. Create 1 Sensorial material that isolates the Olfactory Sense, Gustatory Sense OR Stereognostic Sense, along with the Write-Up to share. 

4.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 6


( circle, music in the classroom, songs and activities )

Maria Montessori: The Discovery of the Child,         

Chapter 4: Nature in Education

Chapter 8: Visual and Auditory Distinctions; Exercises for distinguishing sounds

Chapter 8: Visual and Auditory Distinctions; Silence

1. ( SEN6) Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading and class lecture to share your thoughts about incorporating Nature into the classroom environment, as well as how you will incorporate it and what challenges you could face.                                                                        Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2. Create and share one of your favorite Circle Time songs that you use in your classroom be prepared to share it, along with any additional materials that you use along with the song.

3.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 7

Organization / Extensions / Material Creation / 

Maria Montessori:The Secret of Childhood 

Part II: Section 19 - Observations and Discoveries

1.(SEN7) Provide your perspective based on the elements addressed in the reading and share how these connect with the student learning outcomes and share why you chose the topics.                                                                             Read and post in the Discussion Board and respond to at least 2 peers' posts.

2. Create 2 Sensorial material extension utilizing 2 of the Montessori materials. 

3.PLC Collaboration Work

 Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration Work and Research Professional Development Project

Week 8

Presentations      Assessments

Present Final Professional Development Sensorial Project

Peer and Instructor Professional Project Assessment:                                                                  Assessment and Evaluation,

Creation and Presentation of the course Digital Portfolio


COURSE EVALUATION:                                   






  • Computer: A minimum, students must have regular access to a computer with Internet connection (preferably broadband) and a web browser. Students are expected to be knowledgeable in basic computer skills. Personal competence in word processing and using email programs is required.

  • Hardware Users: Pentium II 300 or equivalent with 96 MB memory, CD ROM, Monitor, Sound Card and Printer. Operating System: Windows XP or higher Mac Users, please note: Coursework should be accessible via Mac software. 

  • Internet Connection Subscription to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is required (broadband access is highly recommended). Broadband access can be cable modem, digital subscriber line (DSL), T1 Connection, or LAN connection or its equivalent. Students are responsible for clearing any firewall and/or security issues if access to the SU Portal is attempted through a workplace network.

  • Web Browser Make sure you have the best online experience by upgrading your browser to the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, and/or Firefox. It is preferable to use Google Chrome in partnership with building the google drive e-portfolio. 


  • For technical support of Canvas, contact the program administrative office at 916-685-6874 or email at

  • For Google Suite or Classroom support, contact the program administrative office at 916-685-6874 or email at 

Practice requirements must be a minimum of:

  1. 2 lesson videos of 2 different lesson presentations: Showing the presentation of a Sensorial lesson from initial invitation through completion of lesson. 

  2. 6 photos, per lesson of 3 different lesson presentations: Showing the presentation of a Sensorial  lesson from initial invitation through completion of lesson. 

  3. A video showing a minimum of 2 Sensorial material extensions / creations, representing modification of initial material, based on the season / thematic unit / focus / etc. isolating skill base before and after



A (90-100%)

B (80-89%)

C (70-79%)

D (60-69%)

F (59%-0)

Attendance/Class Participation - Participation - ( 5 points per 8 weeks )


Discussion Boards - ( 10 points per 8 weeks )


Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration work and Research Professional Development Project


Collaboration work - ( 10 points per 8 weeks )

Year Long Professional Learning Community, Collaboration work and Research Professional Development Project


Digital Portfolio -

Creation: Assembly / Sequence / Creativity / Beauty -  ( 20 points )  

Introduction:  Content / Writing Structure - ( 20 points )

Write Ups: Sequence / Additional Creations - ( 20 points )

Practice Log -  

  • 3 lesson videos - ( 30 points total )

  • 6 photos, of  3 different  lessons -  ( 30 points )

  • Photo collage showing material extensions - ( 10 points )

Portfolio Presentation -  ( 20 points )


Course Assessment - 

Assessment Material Presentations - ( 50 points )


Course Assessment - 

Final Course Assessment Professional Development Project - ( 50 points )


Course Total


EDUC 320: Sensorial Materials and Exercises:

Visual Sense Material:

  1. Knobbed Cylinders

  2. Pink Tower

  3. Broad Stair

  4. Long Rods

  5. Color Tablets - Boxes I, II, III

  6. Knobless Cylinders

  7. Constructive Triangles (complete set)           

  8. Monomial Cube

  9. Binomial Cube

  10. Trinomial Cube    

  11. Geometric Cabinet Presentation Tray 

  12. Geometric Cabinet and Cards

  13. Botany Cabinet (may be placed under Botany)

  14. Geography Maps (may be placed under Geography)

Tactile Sense Material:

  1. Touch Boards

  2. Touch Tablets

  3. Thermic Bottles

  4. Thermic Tablets

  5. Baric Tablets

  6. Fabrics

Auditory Sense Material:

  1. Sound Cylinders

  2. Bells

Olfactory Sense Material:

  1. Smelling Bottles

Gustatory Sense Material:

  1. Tasting Bottles

Stereognostic Sense Material:

  1. Mystery Bags

  2. Geometric Solids

Sensorial Extension: EDUC 320 - CONTENT

  1. Circle Time

    1. Purpose-

      1. Gross motor skills

      2. Fine motor skills

      3. Listening and comprehension skills

      4. A natural integration of music

  2. Preparation and Procedure

    1. Environment -  concept of silence

    2. Plan of action - lesson plan for activities

    3. C. Selected Activities

      1. 1. Line activities

      2. 2. Songs & Fingerplays

  3. Music in the Classroom

    1. History- The Montessori Approach to Music

      1. Music concepts

      2. Music theory

      3. Instruments

      4. Audiovisual aids

      5. Conclusion

      6. Appendix

    2. Songs & Activities

      1. Body Image

      2. Laterality & Balance

      3. Space & Direction

    3. Didactic Musical Materials

      1. The Bells

      2. Piano (Keyboard)

      3. Autoharp

Literary References:

Go In And Out The Window- By The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Music Arranged and edited by Dan Fox

The Learning Circle; A Preschool Teacher's Guide to Circle Time- By Patty Claycomb

The Wheels on the Bus- By Paul Zelinsky

Rondo In C- By Paul Fleischman

Lives of Great Composers- By Ladybird Books

*This grade is in conjunction with the course requirements of E.C.E. 320  Sensorial (Sensory Motor Development).


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the course instructor evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the course instructor evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the MACTE competencies evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )


On the final day of this course, access this link and complete the Course Student Learning Outcomes evaluation Google form. ( EVALUATION LINK )